
Romeo take me somewhere I can be alone


09-23-2013, 06:46 AM
The female was rapidly approaching two years by now; she had been in the lands of Alacritia for an impressive three seasons, almost as long as she had lived with her birth pack. She had forgotten much of them, something that bothered her more than her childish demeanor let on, but Irin had never been one to dwell on things that she could not change. Even if she had possessed the faintest of ideas of how to get back to her pack, Irin was well aware that Isardis would not allow such desertion, and she had accepted that when she chose to join his Glaciem.

Still, she was allowed to leave his territory if she so desired, and at this moment, that was what Irin desired. She had slipped from Glaciem lands early in the morning and wandered far, her paws carrying her easily across the lands. It reminded her of when she had been a rogue, homeless and afraid. She had met a few wolves during her journeys, some kinder than others, but had finally found a home in Glaciem. It wasn't the storybook place of perfection that Irin had once dreamed of, but there, Irin was happy.

With the prospect of war looming on the horizon, however, Irin had to admit that she was scared. She was afraid that Isardis or Argent would be hurt; that maybe one of the many litters that had been born to Glaciem would be injured during the battles. She knew little of Valhalla, and so her mind had painted those wolves to be monsters who attacked her happy home and way of life. They were vicious things, in Irin's mind, over which the good (Glaciem) would triumph in the end, because that was the way that it was. That was the way the world worked.

As distracted as she was by her thoughts, Irin all but stumbled into the wolf that was sprawled across the ground. She leaped back as if she had been burned, nostrils flaring as she sniffed at the air. He smelled of . . . "Valhalla." Irin breathed, blue eyes widening.