
I Wont Crucify The things You do

For Absinth, Bonding time


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

02-16-2024, 03:24 AM

Elysia watched closely as Absinth absorbed the knowledge she had given her. Watched the subtle changes in her body language as the wheels in her head began to turn it all over. Though Elysia didn’t know why she had reacted in such a way to finding out. She supposed it wasn’t really any of her business either.

But when she agreed to learn their siblings' names she offered her a smile. This was one of the only gifts she could give the sister of her siblings. Their names, because it was all she had. She’d been born after they were kicked from the nest. She’d never crossed paths with them before. From First to last born their names are; Sati, Mentu, Reign, Akhenaten, Nemesis, To-Meri. And I Vaguely remember my mom saying there was a Seventh. But it was a runt. And she sent Setekh off to kill it or something” she shrugged. She hadn’t been around to confirm it. And only Raina and Setekh could. Not that it mattered. ”We share three brothers and three sisters, at least though”

She nodded at Absinth’s next request. She didn’t think it was likely that she’d run into the father of her siblings. But if she did she would honor it. ”Absinth who? Never met a woman named Absinth, and I’m quite good with names you know” she shrugged. It didn’t matter to her why she didn’t want to be found by her father, that was her can of worms. And Elysia didn’t care enough to get involved in that.

Elysia let out a gentle sigh as she looked Absinth in the eyes. ”You do remember who my family is, Correct? I assure you my life hasn’t been a picnic either. You’ll find no pity here. But I will say whatever demons you're running from, are yours to conquer. We all have demons, my family quite literally fucks theirs… As for our siblings it’s hard to know. But from what my mama said, she wasn’t around much. He’d pop in and out on them.” she shrugged again.

That was an Inferos family affair. And while she shared some blood with them, she was a saxe. And the only thing that truly mattered to her in the end, was saxe business.

Rolling leisurely onto her back she looked up out of the sky. ”I just wanted you to know that I see you as family now. Regardless of your last name, and where you're from. You belong in the syndicate just like the rest of us. You have my loyalty Absi” she spoke sincerely. Showing Absinthe the side to her that only her brother ever saw.

"Ely & Ezekiel"

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