
Take a Bite and Let it Linger


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

02-16-2024, 03:37 AM

Elysia sat attentively at her brother's side as Aresenn continued their lesson. She didn’t mind listening to him talk. Especially when it was about battle and battle strategy. She loved to learn new tricks as it was. So to have him willingly teach them to the group was a benefit. Especially if she got to practice these moves later on.

Everything she learned off him was beneficial in one way or another. And she wasn’t about to let it go to waste. So she drank in everything. Taking mental notes each time he held a lesson. She was determined to make her fighting prowess stronger so she could challenge him to a rematch.

Her brain paused as she realized what he’d said. He wanted them to fight in groups of two. To put the lessons they’d attended to practice. To see how well they were listening. And she perked up immediately. This was perfect. She glanced around at her companions. Wondering who would be with who.

It was thrilling to imagine who she could be fighting against. And as Aresenn began listing off the names of team one she found herself eyeing them each as he spoke. Taking mental note of who wasn’t called, as they’d be her team.

When Aresenn was done he moved toward their team and she followed suit. Her brother was her team leader. And she gave him an encouraging smile. He could do this. He just had to analyze the other team and come up with a sound plan. No biggie, Right?

"Ely & Ezekiel"

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1. Take a Bite and Let it Linger The Polar Sound 05:27 PM, 01-06-2024 08:56 AM, 05-08-2024