
Getting steamy up in here



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-17-2024, 03:37 PM

His comments had earned the Klein prince a sultry little chuckle from the pretty fae, so hey, he must have been doing all right so far! Rogue was still feeling very out of his element, relying on his skills of "fake it til you make it" to see him through. His sire would be proud of him for remaining suave in the face of flirting with a lovely lady. They exchanged names, and the lavender and gray-streaked fae gave her name as Kaino Saxe. Rogue had never heard the family name before, nor was it part of his history lessons. She must have been new in Boreas. "A pleasure to meet you, Kai," rumbled the almost-adult dire brute, that cocksure, lopsided grin on his muzzle all the while.

Trying to keep his eyes above the water and not stare at the way her bobbed tail was wagging at the end of her shapely rump was a challenge, one that Rogue failed again and again as his amethyst eyes dipped down to peer beneath the hazy water for a split second before hurriedly returning to her own mismatched jewels, caught between the manners his mother had worked so hard to teach him and his yearning instincts as a young virile brute in the presence of a sexy minx of a fae. His heart was hammering, racing with the thrill and adrenaline. He was actually flirting and doing well at it, and so far he hadn't chased her away!

That cocky adolescent confidence was swiftly shattered though when he felt the soft brush of Kaino's paw rub against his leg, her digits stroking his outer thigh and making the young brute stiffen up with a start in the water, gasping under his breath. Sunset purple eyes went wide in surprise, glancing down between the small gap of space between them to spy her paw up against his leg. Kai was speaking again and it took Rogue's mind a moment to recalibrate and catch up. Something about them being so close. Oh yes, they were very close, weren't they? Rogue's throat felt tight as he swallowed, trying to mask his sudden surprise with that suave facade again, though a keen-eyed fae like Kaino would undoubtedly be wise to him.

"I, uh... I suppose we are pretty close, huh?" Rogue remarked, sliding an inch closer so her paw was almost resting on his thigh. Gods, was this the right way to go about this? Fuck, he suddenly was acutely aware of just how much of a virgin he still was! Her salacious undertones spoke to his instincts, drawing the young brute in by his most primal of urges he was still learning to recognize. "There's still all this space between us though." Proving his point, Rogue slid his own giant paw across the ledge they were sat on closer to Kai, ever so gently letting his toes brush against the side of the seductive fae's leg in return. Did faes like this too? Well, Kai was doing it to him, so that meant she'd like it too, right? Either that or Rogue was about to get slapped so damn fast.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.