
Chicken you out



Raiders Hollow
The Sawbone

Master Healer (270)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
02-18-2024, 02:51 AM

Sakana smiled when Sid shook her head and nodded when she asked if they wouldn't be better off just killing it. “Its 'n important part o' bein' a healer t'know when giving someone a quick death is th' best option.” he conceded. “Unfortunately, y'probably right about this one, but we'll split em up based on their problems an' go from there.”

As to how they got into this state? “I suspect that's one fungal, with all th' rain down in Auster it'd be a challenge ter clean th' pens sufficiently t' make sure they couldn't get ter anythin' spoiled.” He gestured to one of the chickens with wounded legs next. “I'd wager somethin' nasty got inter th' skin through a scrape an' thats a nasty infection, I dunno quite how t' best treat their skin, its so different from a wolf.” One of the distant chickens sneezed, “That though, 's a bit more worrying, I imagine that's contagious, so we should probably leave them in this pen, and move th' others over to Jael's pen, and separate them with the airlock... if we can save any o' them at all...”

He shrugged, it was a bitter revelation that Sid had almost gotten her throat ripped out and cracked her skull for chickens that probably wouldn't see the week out. He'd happily let her have a bit of fun with anything that had to be culled as a consolation, but they'd have to sort them out first.


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1. Chicken you out Daager Isle 01:11 AM, 02-18-2024 01:02 AM, 05-20-2024