
So no one told you life was ganna be this way

For Delphi



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
02-18-2024, 06:18 AM

"Ja, because you shouldn't be here," Delphi snips, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assists the girl out of the snow bank she's fallen into. Taking a step back to give the girl some room, she glances her over and only lets out a snort in response to the thanks. Pursing her lips, Delphi does notice how rough of shape the girl is in. Bleeding paw pads, lacking some meat on her bones, fur all out of shape.

"Ugh, fine, come with me," Delphi finally loses her resolves, letting out a dramatic sigh and beginning to walk down the snow covered path. It's not a far walk before Delphi turns toward the mountain and through a doorway. On the other side of the doorway is a hallway, it is a short one before it opens up to a decent sized cavern. A food storage sits on one side with a crackling fire nearby. There's a small makeshift cabinet with other supplies such as blankets and medical supplies. Other than a small table that some may sit at, the floor is covered in pelts and similar items to lay and relax on.

"Make yourself comfortable," Delphi says to the girl as she moves over to the fire, adding another log to it and then moving to the food storage to grab some salted fish. As she brings the snacks over to wherever the girl decides to sit, Delphi looks to her companion, a binturong, who had followed in after them. "Binti, fetch Vidarr," she commands rather abruptly, but smiles too which is returned with a stuck out tongue before the companion disappears out back into the cold and snow. Turning back to the girl, Delphi sits and offers a piece of salted fish. "How did you end up here?" She asks, her head canting to the side.

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1. So no one told you life was ganna be this way Fenrir's Maw 12:59 PM, 10-21-2023 11:37 PM, 04-06-2024