
The moment we've all been waiting for

First family outing <3



Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

1 Year
02-18-2024, 02:35 PM
It felt like it took forever for them to finally be allowed to leave the den. Their grandparents and family members came to visit sometimes, but they always got to go out past the edge of the cave and disappear without them! She wanted to go see where they were going and actually look at all of the things that their parents described to them. Hearing about them was fine and all, but her imagination only went so far! Finally their dad agreed that they would go out, but the catch was that they had to ride in a basket to get down the mountain. She agreed with her brother's grumbles of the fact that they could walk so they should be allowed to walk, but she was also too eager to finally get going that she didn't put up a fuss and allowed her parents to load her up into a basket next to her sister. The whole trip she stood in the basket with her front paws on the lip of the basket so that she could see out around them, her unique eyes wide with curiosity as she took it all in.

Eventually they got to where the rocky terrain changed into forest and their mother placed them down on the grass. The grass alone was such a weird feeling compared to the stone and furs that they had back in the cave so for a moment she just felt around on the ground with her paws and got used to the feeling of it brushing against her belly. At her dad's warning and her mom's wishes for them to have fun, she nodded with understanding, giving him a sweet smile. "Okay, dad! We will, mom!" Of course she wanted to go running off to see just how far all of the trees and grass went, but she didn't want to be taken back home so soon after getting here so she figured it was probably better to behave... for now. Dominus was the first to really venture off and she was right behind him, bounding through the grass to catch up. When he asked which way they should explore first, she hummed and looked around, eyeing the lake that was sort of close by and a cluster of trees that sat on the opposite side of them. She spotted a hole at the base of one of the trees and got Dominus' attention, pointing out the hole with a motion of her paw. "What do ya think is in there?" Better her brother go poking his nose into things than her!

"Kintsugi Mendacium"

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1. The moment we've all been waiting for Alias Island 07:21 PM, 02-07-2024 06:33 AM, 06-24-2024