
Baby Steps




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
02-18-2024, 10:35 PM
Of course she would know he was lying–their only real spat had been over her figuring out that he was Ignis' son. But her first fact had been so easy so he figured he ought to give her an easy one too. As expected, she called him out and said it was false, adding on that she wouldn't so easily forget his past with his former family name. He smirked and gave her a playful glare at that, lifting his large paw to lightly boop her nose in retaliation. He had come to terms with his past and his lineage far more than he had once been in their time together, but that didn't mean he liked it. "Yeah yeah," he grumbled with a chuckle, shooting her a little grin as he reached for the bottle and lifted it to his lips to take a long drink. The drugs she had given him earlier were just starting to blossom into a light, tingling warmth from his core and this was sure to expedite that feeling.

Putting the bottle down, he looked to Tira expectantly, waiting to see what she would come up with next. When she stated that he was the first brute she had ever slept with, he chuckled and grinned as if he had already won and began to push the bottle toward her as he replied, "No way... That's false." She was always such a wild child and their first time at the Hallows party had been so spontaneous that he couldn't imagine that he had possibly been her first. He was already nudging the bottle toward her again, so certain that he was right, only to have her push it back toward him and correct him. At first he didn't believe her, but there wasn't any break in her expression that told him that she was joking.

He blinked with surprise for a moment, thinking back to their first time together with a guilty grin. "Ah fuck... Well, I, uh... I hope I made your first time alright for you," he replied with a chuckle, trying to play off the way it sent his thoughts into a tail spin as he lifted the bottle for a second time. Gods, if he had known it was her first time... He wanted to think he would have done something differently, treated her differently, been more gentle, but the more he considered it he wasn't sure if he would have changed a thing. That night had been just as messy and untraditional as the rest of their friendship and relationship had turned out to be so maybe it had been just right. After all, it had been more than enough for her to make such a lasting impression that he hadn't been with any other fae since that night.

He put the bottle between them once more, pausing for a moment before he returned his golden gaze to the pale blue of hers. "My turn again, huh?" he questioned with a little smirk. He had planned on waiting out their game a little longer and going through a few more rounds of this back and forth before he got to what he really wanted to say, but as he tried to search for some other fact or lie to give her he kept coming up short. The words that sat on the tip of his tongue kept getting in the way. He expected to feel more nervous than he did, but something about how he was holding her and looking into her eyes like he had countless times now reminded him that this was what he really wanted and most of those lingering nerves went away. "I love you, Satira," he told her earnestly and probably with more sincerity than he had ever said anything in his entire life.

"Cináed & Satira"