
The Other Side



5 Years
Extra large
09-23-2013, 04:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 05:02 PM by Taurig.)

He had come back with his father to try and help him build up his new pack. He had sworn his loyalty to the pale king, but enough was enough. His father could've gotten Glaciem's most important wolves killed that day in the battlefield and left the women under their charge helpless and vulnerable. Why couldn't his father see past his blind self-ishness and think of someone else for a change? His aunt Sendoa could've gotten seriously hurt, or even killed had sheer luck not been on her side. The titan had been smart enough to avoid a fight, but who was to say that the was the last of the Valhallan's that they would see? They had had made an enemy now and surely Valhalla had allies and those allies would be informed of the challenge and loss. It was quite possible that war was imminent and Taurig wanted no part in it. He was a warrior, but he fought for what was right, not wrong.

Ebony limbs pushed the titan away from the chilling frost of the north, carrying down towards the east. He'd been down here before, he remembered meeting the ivory youth named Artemis somewhere near these parts. She had said her home had resided by the volcano, but he saw no sign of her or anyone else as he moved into the unfamiliar territory. The area was devoid of the scent of wolves and any scents that were left were stale. No one lived here anymore. But now he would. He was going to claim this land for himself, build his own pack, different from his father's. He wouldn't collect women, he would shelter those in need and would provide a home for those without one. He would make peace will all the packs of Alacritis. He did not want to be hated; he simply wanted peace. Gargantuan frame would come to a halt in the heart of the territory, onyx muzzle thrust back towards the heaven, a lone call erupting from his vocals. This place was his now. It was his home.

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