
The Other Side


09-23-2013, 04:48 PM

She had to talk to the man, see what happened on the battlefield after she had left. Was he okay, what was up with Gideon being claimed? Seraphine believed her Alpha but at the same time she didn't want to, she had been so willing to jump to war over the actions of a child, and wouldn't allow her to take responsibility. It felt like she wanted war.

The girl would shake her head, running through the lands. She remembered his scent, knew his appearance, it wouldn't be difficult to pick him out of the terrain. She just hoped he would be away from Glaciem when she found him.

About an hour or two later she was getting near the land of the north, but something off to the side caught her attention. A howl, from the volcano. "Taurig...?" She whispered in confusion, it sounded like him but why was he near the land of Tortuga? She didn't know but she would find out. The girl changed her path, heading straight for the mountain, and in no time the man's figure appeared, in the middle of the stale scent of the pack who used to live here.

"Taur!" She barked, slowing down to a walk, breathing a bit heavily, mismatched orbs locked on the man as the distance between them grew smaller. Her good ear would swivel forward when she came to a stop a couple feet from him, a look of confusion in her eyes as she stood there. Would he talk to her about the fights and why he was here, or would he turn her away?
