
-insert "And my axe!" meme-



The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2024, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 07:05 PM by Solaire. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ever since their birthday party Solaire didn't go anywhere without his axe, Firekeeper! Partially because he was just so proud of it and excited to finally have his own really cool Carpathian steel weapon and partially because it was heavy and he was trying to get himself used to carrying it around. He hadn't really considered that part of things when he asked his parents for a big weapon like Thorn's, but there was no way he'd go back on his decision now! It just meant that he was going to have to train a lot and get really strong! His mother had helped him put together a holster for his axe with leather straps that went across his chest and around his torso to help distribute the weight. He hadn't actually gotten to use his axe yet since his dad said he had to train with it first before he could actually go fight with it, but for now he just carried it around the gardens and when he did little faux patrols around the plains.

He was just walking back into the castle after working in the greenhouse and cleaning off his paws–mostly because he knew his mom would kill him if he didn't–when he heard his dad calling for him from the side of the castle where his dojo was. Solaire's head immediately popped up with an eager grin and he hurried through wiping off his feet before tossing the towel aside and hurrying down the corridor, Firekeeper swaying lightly on his back as he moved. Stepping into his father's training area, he found him waiting for him with his sword at the ready and he knew he was finally going to get to get to try out Firekeeper for real! There was lots of training dummies sat out to practice on and it was hard to resist the temptation to pull out his axe right away. But he wanted to be a good student so he waited and instead patiently went to sit in front of his dad, giving him an excited grin as he waited eagerly to get started.

"Solaire Carpathius"

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1. -insert "And my axe!" meme- Amron's Castle 08:32 PM, 02-18-2024 05:20 AM, 08-14-2024