
caesar gallus


09-23-2013, 05:18 PM
i shouldn't, but ;__;

OOC Name: Acrylic
How did you get here?: Lu or someone
Age: 15

Character's Name: Caesar Gallus
Age: 2 years
Season of birth: Winter
Size: 25"
Appearance description:
He is a foul creature ? scrawny, emaciated, and dirty. Not merely a hungry pest, but an appalling wretch that slithers in the dark corners of pestilence and disgust. His skin clings to an angled, skeletal frame, with no fat and little muscle to cushion it. The imp stands at a pitifully short height (not the shortest, but notably short for a male) of 25 inches, with a dreadful and rather unhealthy weight of 48 pounds. Scars and other various blemishes are dashed across his macabre form in excess ? ugly and chaotic yet oh so right. The top of his left ear has been torn off, leaving but a ragged and droopy half protruding from his head. Disheveled black fur sticks up in all directions in rude defiance of gravity, and is decked with burrs and mud and tied together by nature in artful tangles. Upon closer inspection, blood can be found, caked on here and there and perhaps not his. A mask of even darker black fur covers his face, stretching like some awful, consuming shadow up just past his hauntingly pale blue eyes. Revolting and seemingly savage, he is forever draped in a diseased air, repelling most company save his own.
Duty: Daredevil