
Oops! Ouch!



Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
02-21-2024, 11:53 PM

Sol sat like a champ, barely flinching at all when Sid was messing with his torn skin. The entire time that she was working no his wound, Siduri kept stealing glances at the boy. He was pretty cute. Girls were supposed to think boys were cute, eh? Well, she meant it this time. Solaire had a very nice face. Yes. She liked his face quite a bit.

After Sol sniffed the concoction in the little crock, he made his guesses. With a smile, Siduri gave her head a little shake in the negative. "No, but those are both good ingredients for healing." Dabbing one pink padded toe into the mixture, Sid began lightly smearing it on the wound. "It's a mixture of aloe, which you got right, feverfew, which helps keep wounds clean, and goldenseal which does the same." The more things that one could mash into something that carried out the same purpose, the more effective it would be.

Once the goo was smeared on the wound, Siduri wrapped it in clean cloth bandages. She was sure to wrap it tightly enough that it wouldn't slip free, but not so tightly that it cut off his circulation. Sid sat back, inspecting her work, head tilted just a smidge to one side so that her good eye did most of the work. She could see out of her left eye despite the pupil being blown like an inkblot, but the vision was cloudy. With a satisfied nod, the girl began putting the supplies back into her pack.

"Keep it clean and dry. Talk to your healer to have it rebandaged if you need to." Her work finished, Siduri turned and started to walk off. Couldn't have Artorias finding out that she was here, now could she? At the last minute, the girl turned back around, stalked up to Solaire and gave him a surprise kiss right on the lips. Then, with a squeal of girlish laughter, she turned and bolted disappearing into the bushes from whence she came.

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1. Oops! Ouch! Wildberry Grove 05:45 PM, 02-21-2024 10:13 AM, 03-31-2024