
Brush yourself off and get back to it

Víðarr dad time



Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Healer (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-23-2024, 10:49 AM
By now Rúna knew every rock, twig and leaf that existed near the den that she and her family called home. Sometimes she ventured a little farther when she was on her own, but for the most part she kept pretty close to home unless someone else was with her. After all, the less she was in trouble the happier her parents were with her and the happier they were with her then the more treats she got and adventures she got taken on! She was a smart pup that way. As much as she liked having fun and getting into a little trouble like her brothers, she was careful about when and where she pushed her boundaries. Like today, the den was still well within sight, but she used a nearby pile of rocks to get a higher point of view.

She pulled herself up onto each new tier of rocks with her clumsy paws that were far too big for her current size, making a little grunt of effort each time. The pile of rocks was maybe a few feet high, but for a pup like her it felt like she was climbing a whole mountain! Obviously she knew it wasn't a mountain since they lived on a mountain and it didn't make sense for a mountain to be on a mountain... did it? While she was pondering her conundrum about mountains one of her paws slipped on a little scattering of pebbles and she lost her footing, making her scramble for a moment before she went toppling backward off of her mini-mountain. She fell head over heels a few times as she rolled back down to the bottom before landing on her back with a firm thud. "Owwwwww..." she whined, her ears folding back with a frown. The fall knocked the air out of her a bit and her shoulder and butt felt pretty sore from where they had hit the rock on the way down, but otherwise she was alright–except for maybe a bruise to her pride for failing her mountain climbing expedition.


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1. Brush yourself off and get back to it Fenrir's Maw 10:49 AM, 02-23-2024 09:29 AM, 05-05-2024