
I will write you a song [Song Babies]


09-23-2013, 06:14 PM
Hope y'alls got room for everyone's favourite antisocial princess!!! xD

She had been out and about, taking in the fall season and all it's beautiful colours. She had heard about her fellow alabaster lady's litter being born, but it must have slipped away from her infinite mind while she had been organizing her to do's. Nevertheless, she was here now. Moonstone orbs glimmered with awe as she took in the tiny infants. So much like their parents. Beautiful creatures, pups were. Sighing contentedly, she stepped from the shadows and approached the group. Her feminine hips would sway sensually, her long banner sweeping across her heels. A soft grin graced the beautiful dame's face, lifting the emotionless veil she constantly had on.

"Song, my darling! How is life as a mother?" She called as she approached, chuckling as she came closer to the family. Taking notice of the Borealis as well, she smiled. "And hello to you too, Aria." She greeted her, her otherworldly voice picking up in volume for once. Of course, the dark male with bi pigmented orbs was near his betrothed, and the icy temptress would not leave him out. "Good day to you, Cherokee. Is fatherhood treating you well?" She asked, smiling kindly. The tiny bundles of fur were something the woman was cautious of as she stood before her friend, pressing her deceptively delicate cranium against the woman's neck in a friendly manner.

As she pulled away, she surveyed the group with eerie silver pools. Then her ethereal vocals were heard once more. "And who would these darlings be?" She inquired of the albino mother, her lips curling to reveal her formidable pearl daggers in a lupine smile. As she awaited an answer, she took in the family and thought of the one she once had. Then her infinite mind turned to thoughts of her own family. Like that will ever happen... She thought to herself, then banished the thoughts once more, letting her long ivory banner sweep slowly across her tall heels like a pendulum, twin raven's feathers twirling and dancing calmly.