
It's been SEVEN YEARS!



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
02-24-2024, 04:49 PM
Ezra had been so focused on the castle, assuming that's where he would see his friend approaching from, that if it hadn't been for the pounding thud of his buddy's paws hitting the ground as he approached he might have missed his approach. Looking toward the sound, he spotted Artorias racing toward him and a wide grin pulled across his muzzle, his tail wagging as he got up and turned to face him. It was obvious that Art had no intention of stopping short of running right into him so Ezra braced himself for impact, but even then Art nearly knocked him over with the force of his bodyslam turned excited hug. The excited alpha pulled a 'ooof' from him between his hardy laughter, Ezra returned his hug with a tight squeeze, realizing now just how much he had missed Artorias. Art really had been his first real friend and such an inspiration for such a long time and even though he had enjoyed his time away it was still was so glad to be home.

As Art pulled back he did as well, grinning at his friend as they both looked one another over. He was glad to see Art still doing so well and that the Hallows was still standing strong. He really had no doubt that it would be, but it was still encouraging to see regardless. "Gods, I don't even know... Far too long, however long it was," he replied with a chuckle as Art questioned how long it had been. "Thank you. It's good to be back." It was wild to think how much things had changed in the time he was away and he couldn't wait to fill Art in on all of the developments in his life and hear about Art's own life events as well, but before he could Art suddenly looked concerned as he glanced behind him and asked about Syanna. Ezra laughed a bit and replied, "She's just in the God's Garden... showing my new half-sister around," he explained which he knew was hardly an explanation at all, but instead just opening another can of worms.

He settled back on his haunches with a sigh, giving Art a slight smile as he went on, "Syanna and I ran into my father on our travels a season or two ago. Turns out he and Eska had a litter about a year into their travels and they had one girl. Her name is Aylin. Eska unfortunately passed away a couple weeks after she gave birth... complications or something like that. My dad had been raising her on his own." He knew that Eska had been a daughter of Resin so even though she wasn't a blood relative of Art he was sure the news would be sad to hear. "My father was having a hard time when we found them... Syanna was able to help him be comfortable for the season we spent with him and Aylin, but he did end up passing away recently as well." Of course all of this was going to give their joyous reunion a more somber tone, but it was news that had to be shared one way or another. He sighed softly and gave Art a slightly sad smile. "I'm just glad I got to be with him when he passed."

"Ezra Adravendi"

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1. It's been SEVEN YEARS! Amron's Castle 02:23 AM, 02-22-2024 04:54 PM, 07-18-2024