
get in our belly



Novice Fighter (20)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

Dire wolf
02-24-2024, 01:28 PM
Shinrei dutifully followed his brothers, though a nagging feeling tugged at him as he did so. The pale boy didn't wish to stir trouble, not on purpose anyways - if he was going to do his father proud, he couldn't be wandering off on self-made journeys without so much as a warning. But here he was, no notification given whatsoever as he trekked onwards, far past the borders of the sacred bamboo. Glancing behind his shoulder, he wasn't sure his father's companions were even trailing after the boys to keep an eye on them, but who knows? Maybe they were keeping out of sight to lull them into a sense of independence. Sneaking away from all they'd known.

Approaching the unique set of raised runestones, Shinrei swept his gaze over them, noting the strange carvings marked on each. He wondered what their purpose was..besides being a fancy perch for some birds. Kaizen tried to swipe up at the one strange-colored jungle bird that mocked them out of their reach, simple turning to and fro as it suited its needs. Clearly, it felt it held the high ground - literally. When swiping at its feathers from where they stood held no success, his brother Jiro tried to air snap at the bird, jumping up with teeth clicking together in thin air.

Shinrei watched the two of them, not out of amusement, but not in disdain, either. He just realized that both their methods didn't work. The bird needed to be lower, closer to their heights to be caught. If it couldn't fly, perhaps they had to find a way to chase it downwards. Shinrei searched the grounds around him, until he noticed a decently-sized branch a few feet away. The boy picked it up in his maw, approaching his brothers and quietly sweeping past them as if to say, let me try. He aimed to poke the branch at the jungle fowl's rump, hearing it cluck in alarm as its wings flapped, trying to keep its balance from the jab. Now, all they had to do was wait and see if it would actually fall..

wc: 353
total: 959

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1. get in our belly The Runestones 10:12 AM, 02-21-2024 10:06 AM, 03-31-2024