
you become what you hate

valta pack challenge


"Sore Loser"


Master Hunter (305)

Master Fighter (440)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

3 Years
Extra large

Dream WeaverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipVengeanceUnderachieverDouble Master
OverachieverHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethOoh La La1KCritical Fail!
Critical Attack!The Ooze Participant
02-24-2024, 06:03 PM

Ghoul’s ruby gaze notices those that appear. Medusa and Red and perhaps some others he had requested not attend, Medusa’s calling cheer forcing a flick of his tail. The Warlord himself showed up too, which to Ghoul, would be of no surprise. Armada borders were next door, and was the wolf he was challenging not his son? Ghoul knew if he won there would be more repercussions from this battle compared to that of his own mother’s. As others began to walk up, Ghoul would lend a simple nod in their direction. The more, the better, right?

It is only moments later that Ghoul sees a rather arrogant appearing wolf marching toward him, away from the growing crowd. An impassive look upon his face goes unmoved as Kotori introduces himself and prattles off about bravery and scars and not forcing the pack from him. If Kotori were so sure of himself, then he should have nothing to worry about. Releasing a quiet sigh once the words stopped falling from his opponent’s mouth, Ghoul introduced himself in return.

“Ghoul Klein,” his muzzle dips for a moment, a show of respect, what little he has for the other wolf. “I suppose waiting a little longer will be fine. If they would like a show, we can give them one,” Ghoul cants his head slightly and shrugs his shoulders, that look of indifference never leaving. Behind him, his two falconets come to land on a barren tree, finished with their journey of informing all those of Boreas and Auster that wished to witness the battle to soon come or miss out on all of the action that everyone appeared so desperate to devour.

While they would wait, Ghoul would pace quietly back and forth. Large paws spreading his toes out across the dirt, long strides taken to help keep his muscles loose and ready. One ear always turned toward Kotori, waiting patiently for his opponent’s go ahead for the challenge to start. In the meantime, he would notice how more came to gather. Parties interested to see the outcome and Ghoul can tell by their expressions that… they weren’t happy. Would life ever be fun if one became too complacent with their day to day?

After pacing for what felt like a century, Kotori’s voice reaches him. Ghoul turns to face Kotori head on as his ears pin backward. He begins to lower his head, aligning it with his shoulders, rolling them forward ever so slightly to prepare for what was to come. What he had expected was to see Kotori already running for him, but that’s not happening. Instead, Kotori stands there, physically preparing his defenses. Did his challenger really believe he would allow him to just ready himself before attacking? Waiting for spectators would be the only courtesy he’d give his opponent.

Regretting the split second hesitation, Ghoul wastes no more time and pushes forward directly at Kotori. Taking long strides to quickly pick up momentum, Ghoul rolls through his mental checklist. Ears, pinned. Head, lowered and leveled with his shoulders, chin slightly tucked. His shortened, deer-like tail, unlike others, was actually pressed up as much as it could between his legs to protect his genitals. The fur along his spine and up his neck is puffed, bristling with determination. His eyes, as the distance between them is almost closed, narrows to prevent the dust that kicks up around them from disrupting his vision. He feels his heart rate pick up, the adrenaline surging through his limbs with every step he takes.

Ready as ever would be, he makes sure to keep calm. Watch his opponent, see where they’ll go, what they’ll do. Steady, even breaths as his sides push in and out. There. Ghoul sees Kotori shift, left shoulder aiming to slam into his own. Their heights are almost even, but Ghoul is the heavier opponent, he won’t mind being hit head on. Bracing for impact without slowing his speed, Ghoul turns his left shoulder to the right slightly so that the front of Kotori’s shoulder hits him center on the side of his shoulder. Ghoul’s claws extend, digging into the earth, toes spreading outward slightly to steady his balance.

Using his forward moving weight and digging in his hind paws to continue pushing at Kotori, Ghoul is aiming to knock Kotori off balance and onto the ground. As he grunts with effort, he sees from his peripheral that Kotori is aiming to bite onto his neck. The position he’s in now, there’s no blocking it, he’s left his neck too exposed, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have help. As Kotori’s jaw latches onto his neck, teeth digging in through his skin, Ghoul’s companion, the loris that had been hanging on for dear life only moments ago, reaches up with her hand and attempts to grab onto Kotori’s eyelid and yank on it as hard as she can.

While that happens and Ghoul is letting out a held-back whine, he looks quickly. Still pushing forward, scraping his rear paws against the packed dirt beneath them, he shifts. Left shoulder twisting slightly, attempting to be more directly shoulder to shoulder with Kotori, Ghoul reaches to the left. His jaw opens wide, coming down to try and grab hold onto the top of Kotori’s neck closer to the shoulders, Ghoul aims to slice through skin and dig into the muscle tissue.

GHOUL vs KOTORI for VALTA (Pack Challenge)
Height 40"
Build Heavy
Round 1/2

table coding by bunni ♥

Warning: If anyone dares to fuck with Cricket, their pups, or Macabre, you will be answering to him.

Thread Move Log
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1. you become what you hate The Battlefield 06:21 AM, 02-21-2024 10:57 AM, 04-10-2024