
woe is (you and) me



The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
02-25-2024, 01:12 AM

her voice is blessed, divine, rousing Yarra from that in-between place of here and not with mere words alone. her form gains definition before the Saxe woman’s very eyes, resolving from a smidge of black and white to green eyes and dark face and snowy brows. Absinth. her presence is like a balm, dulling the worst of Yarra’s aches and chasing the red throb of agony from her mind, replaced instead with thoughts only of the goddess shimmering before her. Yarra’s tongue, dry and heavy, unfurls from between clenched teeth and rasps against the roof of her mouth in some poor approximation of speech. “he…did.” red eyes, white fur, a hellfire man of ice and fire. the devil. “he was a beast, a…a monster.” a grim chuckle spills from cracked lips, almost hysterical as she recalls the brutality with which he pressed her to the dirt, taking and taking and taking. green eyes roll in Absinth’s direction, drinking her in like a starving man. “will you put me back together, darling?” she purrs, faintly delirious with bloodloss and hunger. “will you kiss me better?” ordinarily, she’d despise the fact that someone is seeing her like this - weak, vulnerable - but with Absi, she finds she doesn’t mind. it feels like just another secret shared between them, like trading a piece of herself on credit, knowing she’ll be reimbursed in full. it might just be whatever passes for trust in her fucked up head.

gritting her teeth, pain screams through Yarra as she attempts to get to her feet, rolling onto her stomach and scrabbling ineffectually at the dirt. unfortunately that’s as far as she gets, for her head begins to spin and her wounds pulse with an agony too fervid to ignore. huffing, Yarra rests her chin on her paws and shoots the ground a mutinous glare. “my, how infuriating.” her eyes dart back, as they’re want to do, in Absinth’s direction, and a frown pulls her brows taut. something is flickering hazily at the edges of her mind, something she can’t quite grasp. “…need to tell you…something…” she mumbles, scowling in frustration. her brain is slippery, and every thought whisks through her fingers like sand.


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1. woe is (you and) me Lover's Mangrove 04:46 AM, 02-08-2024 01:37 PM, 05-15-2024