
Begin With Yourself




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-25-2024, 08:36 PM

Avacyn had no doubt that when she posed the question to her mate over what the stakes of their fight should be that his suggestion would be of the lecherous variety and he certainly did not disappoint. She gave him a sly smirk when he asked if she as feeling lucky today, replying with a chuckle, "Well... I have a feeling I'll be lucky one way or another." Whether she won or lost she was sure they would have a great time with one another regardless so it was truly win win for her no matter who ended up the actual victor. His suggestion was simple enough and still earned him an approving grin from her, her dark gaze giving him a similar lecherous look. "Sounds perfect to me, my Commander." She had not always been so bold with her advances or as comfortable with her own sexuality, but as she got older and grew more comfortable with herself she found more of a confidence in that area of her life as well. Much of it was thanks to Saracyn and his endless desire for her encouraging her sexuality–and perhaps a bit of underlying jealousy from everything that they were arranging with Scylla at the moment.

Regardless, she was even more excited for their fight now as she began to settle into her defenses across from him. Even though it had been a while since she had been in a proper fight, the muscle memory never really went away and she immediately set her defenses without much thought, the steel scales that overlayed her cuirass shifting against one another as she moved. "Ladies first?" she questioned with a smirk, but didn't wait for an answer as she sprung forward with graceful, fluid strides, feline paws moving nimbly as she charged toward him only to dodge to his left at the last moment and hop forward to aim a bite where his side met up with his hip, aiming for the soft hollow of skin there. She wouldn't try to do anything deeper than a grazing bite, of course, but still wanted to aim for places she would target in a real fight regardless. She kept her tail tucked beneath her to keep it from being a target as she passed by him, not pausing as she made her strike in passing and kept moving to get behind him, spinning back around to face him again as she got to his rump.

"Avacyn Mendacium"