
So much for a nice stroll




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-25-2024, 08:54 PM

Avacyn smiled as she watched the recognition cross the massive lioness' face as she reintroduced herself. She was glad to hear that Taiga remembered her after all this time. She had only been a young girl back then and much had changed in that time. She nodded as Taiga shared her name again as well, confirming that she did indeed remember her. "You're quite difficult to forget," she joked with a chuckle. How could anyone forget a towering lioness that had come to her rescue? She listened curiously as Taiga explained that she did not live in any one particular place, citing her friend as the reason for this. She nearly missed the fact that her friend was an elk which certainly caught her off guard, making her blink with surprise. It was certainly the first time she had heard of such a thing, but Taiga herself was proof of the unusual being possible so who was she to judge?

When the same line of questioning was turned back toward her, Avacyn nodded to confirm that she did indeed still live in the same area of Boreas as she did when they first met. "I do, in a pack named Elysium. Actually... I've become Matriarch of the pack since the first time we met," she shared with a bit of a proud smile. She wasn't always comfortable with sharing her position of leadership, but she had slowly become more comfortable with the idea that it was something she should be proud of. Sometimes she felt as though it came across as bragging or something of that sort, but hopefully Taiga wouldn't take it in that way.

There was a pause of consideration before she added, "It seems like you're doing just fine for yourself out here, but if you do ever feel like settling down somewhere or at least having a home base to return to I'd be happy to have you be a part of Elysium. I certainly need more skilled fighters in my ranks." As much as she would like to just have her current members hone their skills she knew that would take time if she managed to motivate them at all and in the meantime it could be beneficial to try and recruit new members that already had a grasp on what to do in a fight. "Your elk friend would be free to come and go if he ever wanted to visit you there, of course. I'd spread the word to the hunters not to touch a hair on his head."

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. So much for a nice stroll The Polar Sound 08:49 PM, 01-27-2024 04:47 PM, 07-18-2024