
Look, look with your special eyes



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
02-26-2024, 07:15 PM

Chimera was such a good patient, lying as still as could be while she went about treating him. If Aliana had any lollipops he would have definitely earned one for being so well behaved. Now, in the interlude between administration and awaiting the results of his treatment, there was just anxious hope. Hope that Chimera would be given back what life had so cruelly deprived him of since his conception. Aliana knew it was a long shot, a Hail Mary with slim chances of success, but even a small chance was still a chance. If it meant healing her love, how could she not take it? As they lay in bed cuddling together, Ali rested her head against her giant brute's broad chest, stroking over the planes of powerful muscles beneath his coat while she listened to his heartbeat and the appreciative rumbles echoing deep within him. Chimera's reassurances that he felt fine brought some relief to the clouded fae's worrisome heart. So many of her earlier trials had not gone as smoothly as this had, and she always worried that attempting her remedy on such a large subject might yield similar results. She was beyond thankful that did not seem to be the case.

Ariana breathed a soft sigh and slid her slender muzzle up beneath Chimera's strong jaw, nuzzling against his tender throat with gentle affection. He suggested sleep and the wise healer nodded against his skin. Yes, rest would do his eye well, and perhaps in the evening they would find their efforts bore some fruit. "That sounds lovely, husband. Your eye will appreciate the rest," she spoke in soft dulcet tones as she pulled herself as close to her mate as physically possible. She was just getting fully settled in against his bigger form when she felt one of his giant paws give her supple rump an appreciative squeeze, coaxing a little yip of surprise and delight from her, making her tail hike a fraction of an inch upwards to his touch. "Oh do you? Well, you can enjoy watching this doctor give you a thorough physical examination then." A knowing grin appeared on her lips as her paws rubbed slowly over his chest and down his toned stomach, lovingly worshipping her husband's body wherever she could touch him. He was flawless in her eyes, nothing could change her mind on that.

Those dainty snowy paws drifted past his stomach as low as his waist, teasing him with how close she was getting to his maleness before drifting away to wrap around his sides, holding him close while she snuggled up into his bulk. "Tomorrow, when we check on your eye, you'll get your exam." A tease and a temptress she was, but it was all a part of the game they played with each other. Resting her head against her king's chest, Ali breathed a soft, contented sigh. "I love you, Chimera," she whispered in the quiet of their bedchambers, aqua eyes disappearing behind closing lids as she relaxed into him and gradually drifted off to sleep, her heart and dreams filled with hope for her beloved husband and king.

"Chimera & Ali"

As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.