
Robbed of the Asphalt that Cushioned His Face



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
02-26-2024, 04:55 PM

The injured man muttered something about her being an angel to take him to heaven or hell, but she was too focused on getting him up and into the castle to worry much about his delirious ramblings. She did make note of it though as another sign of just how badly off this brute was. She placed herself where he could lean onto her as he stood, noticing just how much effort it took to get him to that point. That was the problem with being as tall and heavily built as he was–when someone of his stature was injured it made it nearly impossible to move them without significant help. Luckily he managed to get onto his paws and she paused there, assisting him to make sure he didn't collapse to the ground once more as he panted and steadied himself until he told her to lead the way.

She gave a small nod and proceeded forward, trying to hurry him toward the castle while also moving slowly so he didn't lose his shaky footing. Even if she couldn't get him up onto a cot she would be content if they just managed to get to the infirmary without him collapsing. As she neared the gates at the front of the castle grounds, she tipped her head back to let out a low howl to her brother, alerting him that she was bringing in an injured stranger. Of course she knew the rules and that she shouldn't be bringing wolves into their territory without his permission, but on occasion she felt like she was allowed to make an exception for the sake of another's life. She refused to just sit by and wait for Art to reach the border only to waste precious time.

She paused and made sure he was stable enough to stand on his own for a moment while she stepped away to open the front door of the castle, holding it open for him as he stepped into the main entryway. Once the door was closed behind him she resumed her place at his side to continue leading him down the corridor to the infirmary. Helping to keep him upright was a workout in its own right, but somehow she managed and was able to walk him into the long room with rows of cots on either side. She brought him to the fireplace that took up a large part of the wall on the right side and had him lay down on the spread of furs that covered the floor in front of it. A low fire was burning in the hearth, spreading warmth throughout the room. She usually liked to have her patients laying on a cot when she was treating them, but in this case she knew it'd be nearly impossible to get him up onto a bed and it would probably benefit him to be closer to the fire.

Eilwen had already flown down from the rafters as soon as she walked in, the white raven picking up her usual tools and supplies and depositing them beside her with trips back and forth from her supply cabinet to where she was sitting next to her new patient. Blue scurried over from where he had been sitting near her desk, the lemur climbing up onto her shoulder with wide, blue eyes. Now that they were inside and by the firelight, she could better see the wound that was threatening his life. It was a nasty thing, that was for certain, and a frown crossed her lips as she examined it carefully with gentle, experienced paws. "What's your name?" she asked with a glance up toward his face while she poured a bowl of water and prepared her rags, medicines, and a needle and thread.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"

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1. Robbed of the Asphalt that Cushioned His Face The Starlit Plains 11:06 PM, 02-07-2024 08:24 AM, 04-19-2024