
What was lost is found



The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
02-27-2024, 10:06 PM

The road to recovery had been riddled with potholes. Dusk had drifted in and out of consciousness, her body forcing her to sleep so that she could heal more quickly. The woman's fever came and went and came and went again. Sometimes she spoke in a garbled mix of common speech and Romanian. Often she mentioned Whisper and wondered when Sitri would return. The red man's name kept finding its way to her lips, muttered here and there, but it was obvious to those around her that he was on her mind.

When the fever broke and Dusk had a moment of clarity, she asked after Sitri but he had yet to return. And so she waited because... what else could she do? The obsidian fae's shoulder and neck were bandaged and she was so sore that mobility was an issue. Aunt Gwyn assured her that she would heal, but she was going to be stiff for quite a while. Dusk was thankful that her aunt was so skilled and made a mental note to bring her a gift when she was healed enough to walk.

As Dusk lay here on the fur covered cot, the door the the infirmary opened. Her parents had been sitting with her and her mother quickly ushered her father out of the room. Fire opal eyes caught sight of Sitri and Dusk shot him a smile. She would have wagged but everything hurt. As he drew near, she noted that Whisper was clutched gently between his teeth. The red brute placed the weapon aside and complemented her on the mess that she'd left. At least she thought it was a complement.

Sitri asked how she felt and Dusk gave a very gentle chuckle. Her voice was low and soft with her throat being so sore. "I'll be okay," she assured him, not wanting to tell him the truth; it felt like she'd been trampled in a stampede of bison. Dusk searched the man's face and suddenly an urge came over her. He had gone out of his way to bring Whisper back to her. Sitri had fulfilled his promise to her. Lifting one paw, Dusk motioned the man forward as though she needed him to get closer so that she could whisper a secret to him. When he had leaned in, Dusk's dark pads rested lightly on Sitri's chin. She used that paw to lead him forward until her lips could press against his own. It was a chaste kiss by Carpathian standards, but Dusk poured her appreciation into that kiss. "Thank you," she whispered against the man's lips. "You saved my life and you returned Whisper to me." The dark fae's vibrant gaze bore into those of the man that was oh so close to her. "I owe you a great debt, Sitri."

"Dusk Carpathius"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]

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1. What was lost is found Amron's Castle 07:27 PM, 02-14-2024 08:22 AM, 04-19-2024