
What was lost is found



The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
02-28-2024, 07:25 PM

Sitri relaxed a bit and gave a small nod when Dusk assured him that she'd be alright. Even if she had a lot of recovery ahead of her, he still felt relieved that she'd be okay in the end. It made every bit of the panic he felt rushing her back here to get help worth it. "Good, I'm glad," he replied with a genuine smile. "I was worried." It felt silly to be so worried about someone he had only met one other time, but he just told himself it was the care and concern for others that his parents had instilled in him coming to the surface. She had been in really rough shape–to put it lightly–when he found her so of course he was going to be worried about her wellbeing. It wasn't as if he had to be close to someone to be worried about them... But somehow it still felt like it was more than just a general concern for other wolves even if he couldn't quite put his paw on it.

He looked to her curiously as she lifted a paw and motioned him closer. He thought nothing of it, just assuming it was difficult for her to speak over a whisper, and he leaned down toward her to listen more closely. Instead, she caught him off guard with her soft paw pads catching his chin gently, pulling his muzzle closer to hers before he could even process what was happening. The feeling of her lips on his instantly fried any conscious thought that might have been in his brain, his blue and lavender gaze going wide with shock and blinking with surprise as she released him, leaving him sitting there like a stunned idiot, his heart immediately kicked into overdrive and his cheeks burning hot. As she thanked him for his help he slowly came back to reality and a silly, lopsided grin spread across his face, his tail wagging wildly behind him. "Oh, uh... It... It was nothing," he stammered quietly with a chuckle, his ears flicking back shyly.

He had flirted and teased girls more than a few times and certainly appreciated them plenty in his travels, but none of them had really stuck in his mind the way Dusk had and he had certainly never kissed any of them. He hadn't expected or wanted anything in return for everything he had done for her, but this was a very, very nice surprise. Still grinning a giddy, goofy grin, he leaned back again as he cleared his throat a bit. "If it's okay with you I'll stay around here for a while... Just till you're back on your paws, you know. I don't have anywhere to be so I can keep you company till you're feeling better. If you want, of course." Very cool, yes. Very smooth.

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"

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1. What was lost is found Amron's Castle 07:27 PM, 02-14-2024 08:22 AM, 04-19-2024