
What's left of me is yours to keep



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02-28-2024, 10:23 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2024, 12:46 AM by Acere. Edited 1 time in total.)

"It's nothing I can't handle, Ace..." He didn't doubt that she could handle herself. But her voice betrayed something out of the ordinary had happened, and he was curious about it. Her tone was...sad. Her demeanor betraying something else, too. Regret? Shame? He couldn't quite place it, but he had the feeling something bad had happened. And that answer came as she spoke again. She explained to him the matter that had transpired. And all throughout, he had nothing but a soft, understanding gaze as she told him. She had maimed a child during a raid on Ethne...and he couldn't help the way his lips pursed together for a moment as he considered what she'd told him.

He could see the shame on her face. The look in her eyes. The pain at what she'd done. He too, glanced out to the ocean for a moment before turning back to her. While he doubted there was anything he could do to help her physically with the matter, at least he could be here for her now in some form. He wished he could simply wash all her troubles away. Or better yet, take it upon his own shoulders so he could deal with it all and take the consequences just like he had done when he led Winterfell. But alas, even though he was here somehow, something told him that might not be possible. Not fully, anyway.

Turning his gaze back to her, he moved to rest his head over her neck in an embrace. Eyes closing for a moment as he summoned the energy that she could feel him. "I am sorry, Bellamy. It is a dire situation, one that I am not sure that I can help with beyond parting what knowledge and words I have. While yes, it is possible that a blood feud might come from this, I understand your past well enough to know why you acted the way you did. They came and attacked your home. Whether it was a raid or a siege, matters not. It was an attack on what you and your kin hold dear to you." Was it right what she had done? No. But he also knew that sometimes the trauma and memories of ones past often superseded the minds rationality in the moment. She didn't have the time she needed to think when they were being attacked. And he didn't know the pack that attacked them. He knew they were likely angry about what had happened. But even in that same boat, Bellamy felt regret about it. "It's not your fault. It was beyond your control at the time. All you and your pack can do now is do your best to meet whatever comes. Words will likely not fix the situation, so I'd avoid that route and avoid putting yourself in an even more compromising position."

He pulled away to look her in the eye. "Do not under any circumstance, try to fix this by placing yourself in the line of fire because you think you deserve punishment for what has happened." His voice was stern as he spoke. "I am here now, for as long as you need me to be. And you need to be here for your children. Your kin. And whomever else needs you. You're no good to anyone dead, or almost me. I know."

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1. What's left of me is yours to keep The Shimmering Shore 07:08 PM, 02-07-2024 12:59 PM, 04-28-2024