
Stick to what you know



09-23-2013, 08:56 PM

Riv couldn't remember a time when she had good dreams, not even as a pup. It was either strange dreams, no dreams, or nightmares. Since her world began to fall apart as soon as she reached eight months. It was a cursed thought she tried to push it away. There was family, friends she wanted to live for, and one day to reunite with her brother and her son. It was the least she could do to see if Hajime was doing well in his life. For his father at least. Though Loccian said that nightmares haunted her too? The large girl tilted her head with a flick of her darker brown ears. "I haven't met anyone who have had quiet like the nightmares I have had. Most of them are re-occuring memories. Have you ever cried so much, that you thought it might just pull you to your breaking point?" She looked towards the sky, and the stars. "And in the end you realize, it won't ever be enough to bring them back. No matter how unfair it is." Her heart ached just thinking about it.
Rivaxorus shook her head and gave a small laugh. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it so depressing." She noted with a flick of her black tail. Her paws dug into the ground as she let out a silent sigh. What would her sister think of her now, or her last two mates. Would they like the new wolf she had become. What if they had the ability to grow up, like her adopted son who died. Or the small newborn daughter who was killed along side her father. Rivaxorus wondered about these things far too much for her own good.