
Getting steamy up in here



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-29-2024, 05:16 PM

The sultry lavender and smoke fae was clearly not as new to this game as Rogue was. The way she fixed him with that disarming smile, the way her alluring voice purred tempting lyrics to him, everything about Kaino seemed perfectly honed for this tango the two of them were entwined in. She suggested they do something about the space between them, and before Rogue could even blink, Kai was already sliding her svelte body across the rocky shelf til their sides were pressed together and he could feel the mingling of her soft fur against his skin beneath the water. The immediate contact elicited a short gasp from the young brute, his breath catching as this little succubus was turning about to press her chest to his, practically climbing up in his lap to do so. The invasion of his personal space was far from unwelcome, and already the adolescent brute could feel that same heat rising up in his belly that he had come to know from the times he'd shared some heated kisses with the other faes he'd met in his travels. With Kai though, the heat was getting hotter than he'd ever felt it before...

Rogue gave Kaino another suggestive, roguish grin and chuckled huskily under his breath, which was getting a little harder to get in amidst the steam and the growing lust. "Yeah, that's better... Don't worry about me getting too warm. I tend to like things... hot," he responded in rumbling tones which still carried his youth, but were clearly the deep baritones of a man grown—that last small space of time between adolescence and full adulthood mere weeks away. The voluptuous fae ran a forepaw up his chest, leaving pleasant tingles across his skin in her wake and making his breath catch again as those tingles tightened the muscles in his core. With Kai all but sitting in his lap in the hot tub, Rogue allowed himself a little more boldness, raising a large dire-sized paw to rest just above her shapely hip on her waist, holding her loosely like her own paw draped around his neck. She asked where he was from, correctly assessing that he was no loner. She was new to Boreas though, so Rogue would use that to his advantage and play the charming local guide to her.

"Is it that obvious I'm from a pack?" he teased her back with a crooked grin and a playful smolder in his sunset eyes. "I'm from Ashen. It's the heart of the Ashen empire out on the west coast. It's my family's pack." Was he bragging a bit by flashing his princely bloodline? Yeah, he was. But the last time he had, it had gotten him some making out, so why not roll the dice again? She asked if there were places she should avoid, or any wolves that would want to do bad things to her, and those heated words whispered in his ear made Rogue's ear twitch and belly clench with a needy hunger he had never indulged before. The Klein brute exhaled hot and heavy as he resisted a shudder running down his spine and settling between his legs. Fuck, she was so hot! Like he was living every teenage boy's fantasy levels of hot. "Well, my family's not very fond of the Raiders or Insomnia. They both suck pretty hard. They live off the southern coast and in the western badlands."

Truthfully, Rogue didn't think either pack was very dangerous—mostly just stupid. He'd never had any bad run-ins with Ashen's enemies and they'd never bothered him. Gaze still fixed on Kai, Rogue brought his free paw up to rest on the small of her back, slowly running his paw pads up the curve of her spine with an appreciative touch while the paw on her waist slid down to cup her hip, really savoring this chance to have a fae in his paws like this. "So Kai... now that you know who's good and who's bad, how about you tell me about some of those bad things you're trying to avoid," Rogue asked in a suggestive rumble, smoldering sunset eyes holding her mismatched emerald and aquamarine jewels.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.