
Lock Me Behind Bars But Not My Soul.


09-23-2013, 09:53 PM

The dark brute would go ignored by the white ghost. Again another wolf she knew that was part of this so called pack. She hated it here, feeling like a bird who had its wings broken, its freedom taking away from her. Her soul was dying inside, cracking and crumbling under this isolation. She had no true friend here, only Zanire the bear had proven to be a friend. But she would not risk calling her here to her aid. No, now was not the time. Somewhere deep down, the queen of the fog knew she would not be leaving here any time soon. Her body screamed at the injustice, the cruelty of being kept here. Silently inside she was crying. She would become a prisoner, forever bond to this icy hell.

Satis' reaction to her was quick and ready. She snorted at the other women's words."To sit it silently and be whipped aye? What wolf would that be if they were to just sit there without naturally defending themselves hmm? I am not the type to silently just obey blindly like some of you. I need reason, i need a true leader, a true pack to want to follow. What kind of pack just fights for gathering more females and then leaves them unattended? You think i can here knowing how Isardis was like? No, i came thinking this would be better than being alone, but its worse. To be in a pack and yet still feel like your isolated.." Her accent was heavy with bitter anger. The simple statement of no healer would come made the white ghost sighs sadly. So this was what the pack was like? Trap its members, take away their free will, and not provide them with what they needed? All the more reasons she had to escape this pack.

At once Satis made her move on her. Keita kept her front half light. Her quickly noticed Satis aim for her leg and reared up. Body twisted to have Satis jaws land on her shoulder instead. Lips pulled back in a grim of pain. But suddenly a new feeling washed over her. The scent of her own blood, sent her heart racing, driving her insane. The thrill of a fight coursed through her veins. Somehow she knew in her past she had loved the fights, loved the taste of blood and inflicting pain on others. Her own pain would seem forgotten, her brain unaware of the body being wounded. Her blind eye was towards Satis, limiting her judgment of how to react. As her limbs came back down to the earth, her back ached, head tucked in to protect her neck and shoulders rolled forwards to aid in any affliction to her neck. Blinded by the high she was experiencing from the fight and flashing memories she was unable to retaliate back. Her body shook, welcoming to ripping pain to her shoulder. It was a wounded that was deep, enough to take several weeks to heal, but not one to stop her escapes. Her chuckled darkly to herself, seeming to not get enough of this high she was being washed with. The Seracia healer's herb were at work as well, helping to numb the worst of the pain. But Keita wanted to taste blood, she wanted Satis' blood on her teeth.

Her head snapped to the side, green eye finding Satis, yet not really seeing her. She saw someone else, no, they kept changing. Each wolf she saw had been one she had lashed out her claws and teeth at, each one had felt her wraith. She snarled and would attempted to snap her jaws around Satis' right forelimb at the ankle. To at least let her tongue taste the blood.
