
The Art of Murder [Cifer]



03-10-2013, 03:52 PM

This was a dance. They moved at a dangerous tempo. One false move, one slip up, and the rhythm of the music would change completely. Red would paint the canvas around them and he'd be just another body to slowly decay in the battlefield just like all the rest who had perished here.

The drug continued to rush through is veins. He could heart his heart thumping. Thud. Thud. Thud. He could feel his pulse in his neck. They were all reminders that this fight wasn't just any fight. It was a battle. A bloody battle that would only end with one victor.

Their game of battering rams ended almost as soon as it began. He succeeded in pushing her backwards. She used that momentum to break away from him. He decided to go ahead and used this as a time to form his next attack. He now ignored the wounds she had given his shoulders. It was nothing serious and Asheni could tend to them later. He'd received worse than this before.

She rushed at him her jaws aiming to bite at anything she could reach. Her attacks lacked strategy whereas all of his were carefully formed in his head and exacted.

As she charged he stepped to his left and turned his head to the right. If it was timed right he'd be able to lunge forward and bite the side of her neck and find a good purchase and hold her there. Or at least tear something vital. If it was too soon he would end up biting her face or their teeth could possibly lock together and that would be a painful mess. if it was too late he could possibly bite her right shoulder or ribs causing her pain on the other side of her body. It all depended on his timing and how fast she could react.

In defense his hind end swung to the left so if she went for his side it would no longer be there. This would put him perpendicular to her depending on if she moved or not.

Attacks: He's aiming to bite the right side of her neck but is willing to settle for a bite to the ribs or face all depending on how she reacts.

Defenses: After they broke away he side stepped and while doing so is attempting to swing his hind end away from her in case she decided to go for his ribs. If it works he'll be perpendicular to her.

Injuries: A bite mark on top of his neck from the last attack and now he has medium bite marks on the top of his shoulders.
