
Your Pack Is On My Lawn [Corbie]



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-02-2024, 01:54 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2024, 01:54 PM by Éldi. Edited 1 time in total.)
The Tracks I Tread Are Cold

Grateful to be welcomed into the pack, Éldi breathed a soft sigh of relief. At last, his journey was slowly coming to an end. He was back in the lands he'd spent so much of his life in and he could, perhaps, die peacefully here when age decided it was time. He was pleased to hear that there were other wolves of Fireside that had chosen to remain and he looked forward to getting reacquainted with them. "Thank you, Corbie. I will do my best to be of service to Avalon and I understand. As a youth I spent my life raiding. Sometimes being peaceful and placid makes you more of a target. Fear not, I have not let my fighting skills get rusty. I would prefer to be primarily a hunter though, that is where my passion lies." He was glad to hear the pack prided themselves on their hunters and that several of the young ones were interested in the practice as well. The mention of having to serve as a warrior did not surprise nor deter him. He was often skeptical of peaceful packs who thought their amiable status would be enough to save them from opportunistic raiders. Having initial been a raider himself, his skills as a fighter were nothing to sneeze at, even in his old age.


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1. Your Pack Is On My Lawn [Corbie] The Range 07:12 PM, 02-14-2024 11:58 PM, 04-08-2024