
Everything Important Happens When You Are Awake




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
03-02-2024, 10:18 PM
Books have become the focal point of the young Nolan’s life and he can’t help but get continuously lost in in the stories that he reads. The ones he picks often speak of huge sprawling forests and tall castles with maidens fair and knights to protect them and his imagination always brings them to life in vivid details. They color the drab dark room that he uses to keep himself and his book dry, in hues so bright that, they are almost blinding.

Lately, his fathers have expressed their concern about how much time he spends holed up in the den, filling his head with wild, fanciful tales while the world passes by around him. That is why Nolan has sunk off of Norad pack lands, his current obsession locked securely in his maw as he trots out into the neighboring garden and away from the prying eyes of his family. The rains have paused for this day and it is clear that Spring is coming by the budding flowers that can be found all around him.

Deft paws weave their way around the plants as he searches for the perfect spot to hide and read the day away. As a section of the ground becomes a stone foundation, he spies a section that the sun, who has chosen to grace the sky this day, has left the boy a dry spot just perfect for lounging and reading. Plopping down unceremoniously on the ground, he then gently places the beloved book on his forelegs and noses it open to the spot where he had left off.

Eyes scan the page as he searches for the last line he had read and quickly picks it out before making small adjusts to his posture until he is comfortable. The world around him fades as the tale washes it all away, his lips moving in time to the words written before him. The boy is so engrossed in his book that he might not even notice if someone were to appear right in front of him.

"Nolan Ravenwood"

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1. Everything Important Happens When You Are Awake The God's Garden 10:18 PM, 03-02-2024 05:34 AM, 05-01-2024