
Everything Important Happens When You Are Awake




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

1 Year
03-02-2024, 11:01 PM
Lips move faster and faster, muscles tensing as the penultimate battle is laid out in front of him and he spies the ending of his tale growing near. A shadow suddenly darkens his page, throwing gloom across his imagination and whipping clean the fantasies that had been playing out before him. Cocking his head back, Nolan squints up at the pretty woman who has cast darkness into his world of light. She is silhouetted against the sun, the light blinding him momentarily as he tries to figure out why she is here.

Embarrassment scurries across his features, as she enthusiastically asks what he is reading and the boy shyly dips his head as he offers her a small smile and says, “It’s called Percy Jackson and the Olympians. It’s about a boy… like me that finds out he part God and…” Excitement slowly builds as he continues to speak, eyes lighting up as he shares the story and all the key things that have happened so far. As the stranger admits that she hasn’t read a new book in a while, his ear slick back and he says, “Sorry to hear that. It can be really difficult to find new ones. I have some books that I have read like, ten times.”

A short laugh is given to the pretty lady and Nolan’s eyes round in excitement at the thought of being able to share and new books. Excitedly he barks, “Really? You’d let me borrow them? Yeah, yeah! You can totally borrow this book! I have more back at my home and I will share whatever you want. What is your favorite kind of book? Wait… what kind do you have?” Big, puppy eyes stare up at her with trust as the stranger has gotten him… hook, line, and sinker.

"Nolan Ravenwood"

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1. Everything Important Happens When You Are Awake The God's Garden 10:18 PM, 03-02-2024 05:34 AM, 05-01-2024