
Remember the Name

Knight Cloud

09-24-2013, 12:25 AM
ooc//I am sorry if any of this doesn't make sense or is crappy lol I'm exhausted from the kits so my mind is all lsjhfblsjdhbv

The mottled brown warrior moved at an even pace, weaving his way through less dense parts so that it was easier for the small dame to keep up. He had noticed her strange reaction just as he had moved to lead the way, her nervous nature very apparent to him. He wondered if he'd ever be able to help her, even just a little to be more confident in herself. Though he himself was a long shot, there were times where he felt confident yet other times he felt like it was at rock bottom. Though in the time he had spent roaming the lands of Alacritis, he had trained himself to become more confident and less distant from others. He missed some of the interactions from his old pack, the play time with pups, the time he spent training and helping them with whatever the young ones needed, even the elders adored him for the way he'd go out of his way to help them with whatever he needed. Though he was a loner now, and though time had grown on him to make him more distant, his underlying roots still existed. Perhaps that's why he was so curious about this young maiden, and wanted to help her catch what she needed to return to her children.

He scented the air around them, his carefully trained nose picking out the different smells of the forest around them. Prey would not be far, and so he changed his course to move downwind of the creature. It intermingled with many other scents, and new that it would of course be near other animals of different species. Most likely near a water source where life came together to share a drink. "Well, there's only one girl. Her name is Kestrel," The man smiled, So she decided to share their names with me after all. He thought as she continued, "Then there's Emery. Sage. Clover. And the twins. Crow and Cloud."

Instantly, his ears would strike forward at the name of the last pup. Cloud as she called him...was it coincidence? A smile would perk on his lips, his gaze turning to her with a look that was full of surprise and wonder. "Your children all have nice names, especially your son, Cloud. I don't know about you, but maybe there's a plan in place. It's not everyday I learn that there is another with the same name as mine." A light hearted chuckle would resound in his chest, his gaze now thoughtful. "What does your daughter think of being the only girl?"
