
Die Hard




Expert Fighter (210)

Advanced Hunter (95)

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
03-04-2024, 10:47 PM

"One...two...Ripper's coming for you..."

He'd been trailing after his brother as of late. Or trying to, anyway. Ripper kept getting distracted halfway through tracking him down, but this time, he had managed to stay on course. Medusa allowed them to roam wherever they wished with the exception that they let her or her companions know, or under the wing of her companions. They wouldn't outright stand over them breathing down their necks, but someone was always nearby in case of trouble. At least until they were yearlings, then they were free to wreak havoc on the world without their hidden babysitters. Ripper couldn't wait for that day. The day that he'd be truly unleashed on the world around him. And today, it would start a little early.

He tracked Red to the southern forest, the eeriness creeping around him, though it wouldn't deter him nor send him scurrying back home. He was eager to test the boundaries, always biting at the bit and pulling on the reigns. Often he'd try to escape the watchful eyes that followed him, but had been unsuccessful yet. Still, as he slipped into the forest, he moved from shrub to shrub, weaving through the trees in his desperate attempt to lose Seymour. Even if for just a moment! The vulture always had a vantage point over him, however...much to Ripper's annoyance! Oh well. Just one more season...that wasn't very far from now...right?

A foreign cacophony of sound reached him, the voices that echoed in the forest were unknown to him. All but one of them. He stopped where he was, bi-colored gaze searching the darkness as his ears stood at attention. Silence for a heartbeat. And then the pained sound of something. Redrum snarling somewhere in the forest. Ripper's hackles rose in anticipation, and while he was sure his brother could handle himself, he could hear the yips and howls of multiple creatures up ahead. While Red was big, it was a different matter to be outnumbered. Ripper didn't hesitate to go into action, moving from a standstill to racing toward the sounds.

Talons ripped the grass to shreds, leaving clumps in his wake as the gathered came into view. Soundless. Like a phantom emerging from the darkness, he leaps for the closest attacker, latching onto the coyote's haunches, talons digging into his target like a multitude of knives. His weight bore down on the smaller beast, sending both of them to the ground in a ball of fur and spitting fury. Above it all, Ripper laughed like a maniac as he tussled with it. "Ripper is here to plaaaay!!"
Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~

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1. Die Hard Soulless Forest 09:13 PM, 03-04-2024 01:29 PM, 06-20-2024