
A walk through the woods



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-04-2024, 11:18 PM

Avacyn grinned and chuckled as Juniper pointed out how easy it was to turn brutes into "putty" with the right kind of lecherous inspiration. Her assuredness that Avacyn already knew all about that was met with another chuckle and a little shrug. "Well... I've certainly never had my mate turn me down, that's for sure," she agreed with an amused smile. She had to admire June's confidence and how comfortable she was with all of these things. It wasn't as if sex had been a taboo thing for her growing up and her parents had always sex positive as well, but she had never really felt the kind of freedom that Juniper clearly felt. When June tried to wave off her compliment, pointing out how "plain" she was compared to someone like her, Avacyn immediately shook her head in denial. "Don't be silly! I actually think the subtlety of your coloring is lovely. And your markings frame your body so well!" she insisted. She knew her family was a unique example of having an abundance of bright colors and unique traits among them, but because of that she tended to find more neutral fur patterns more interesting and beautiful. It might feel plain to Juniper, but she was unique in her eyes.

When she mentioned the possibility of seeking out faes to give her a little relief without the hassle of having to find and take herbs to prevent the pups she wasn't looking to have, Ava had brought it up fairly matter of factly. As she tended to be, she was far too factual and intellectual about the situation to realize what she was implying or suggesting until Juniper gave her a smirk. Before she could clarify, Juniper shared even more about her sexual exploits, saying how she has and does partake in ladies on occasion and how there were even some couples that were looking for a little lady like her to add to the mix. She blinked with surprise at the idea, her face warming despite the grin that still lingered on her lips as June stretched and showed off with her tail up over her hips. "O-oh! Well, I um..." she stumbled with a giggle as she tried and failed to recover from her own awkward shyness, grinning and glancing away even though her gaze kept getting drawn back to Juniper and her feminine curves.

I've only been with a lady once and I didn't get to um... participate much," she admitted after she had cleared her throat and regained her composure a bit. She had never really considered being intimate with anyone besides Saracyn–aside for when she was betrothed to Albion, of course. She wasn't really sure if she could count the time she had with Scylla considering the fact that she hadn't been able to move or even really react to what the smaller woman had done to her. It wasn't like she was really looking for another partner either, but considering how much time Saracyn was going to be spending with Scylla for awhile and if Juniper was even willing to partake with her and her brother together... "I'd certainly be interested in seeing what being with a lady is really like... if you want to, that is," she added with a bashful grin, eager and nervous all at once.

"Avacyn Medacium"