



The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Extra large
03-05-2024, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2024, 07:54 PM by Aylin. Edited 1 time in total.)

It took her a few days to get settled into the castle after Ezra brought her here, the feeling of being in the enclosed walls and rooms a little weird after only living out in the forests where her father had settled down with her. Still, even though she had never seen these places before they still felt oddly familiar. Her father had told her plenty of stories about his time in The Hallows, including how he had been there at its founding and how he led the pack after Resin passed and before Artorias took over. He had given her lots of details about the castle, the gardens, the plains, even the land nearby that was dotted with huge bones of mysterious creatures. She kept finding things that reminded her of his stories and it was kind of bitter sweet in a way, but she was happy to finally be able to see the places that she had only imagined for so long.

One of the wolves that she had been the most excited to meet was the alpha himself, the one that had inspired her to give sword wielding a try. She had only met him very briefly when they first arrived, Ezra of course introducing her as they were getting settled in, but she was absolutely dying to see Artorias in action with Embershard. Her father had done his best to teach her himself, of course, but with his deteriorating health and his lack of experience wielding a weapon like that there had only been so much he could have shown her. He still encouraged her all the same, finding a trader with the sword she now carried proudly and encouraging her efforts to learn herself by trial and error.

She hung around the castle grounds, waiting patiently and checking out the lush gardens, while she waited for Artorias to return from his usual rounds and duties. Eventually she spotted him walking through the castle gates with her brother and she grinned as she trotted over to them, her leather armor covering a portion of her torso and her sword sheathed across her back. "Hello, Artorias, sir," she said politely with a dip of her head. She looked over at Ezra who excused himself with a chuckle and Aylin gave him a grateful smile before she turned her attention back to the blue-hued man in front of her. "If it's not too much trouble and you're not too busy would you mind giving me a lesson on wielding a sword?" she asked hopefully, her tail wagging gently behind her as she looked up at him with bright silver eyes.

"Aylin Adravendi"