
What Is The Glue That Binds Us?



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

5 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-05-2024, 05:56 PM

Fall had just started to roll in, though you'd never know it from the warm weather in the southern plains. Coran returned home, or at least as home as he could get for the time being. The Vericona Plains had thankfully been left unclaimed and even his old den was in decent shape once he evicted a rather angry badger. There were plenty of abandoned dens, it could find somewhere else to be. Of course, in all his wandering, Coran had learned that home was where his family was. The only problem was that he wasn't entirely sure where any of them were. He knew Ardyn and Tel had gone in search of her family, wherever that was, and there'd been discussions of a band, wherever that was located now he didn't know. Coran had separated to do his own thing.

Shoveling out the loose dirt, Coran went about tidying up the old den. He figured sooner or later someone was going to return to the old Valhalla lands and he could catch up with them then. In the mean time he'd make himself comfortable and get started on a few projects.

Once the den was cleaned out he got a fire going outside, near some stones. It was time to get some hide glue going to repair and adjust his armor. Coran unwrapped his hide bundle to reveal fresh scraps of deer hide. These were odds and ends from his skinning earlier in the day. He started chewing the hide pieces into smaller pieces and then setting them out on some hot stones to dry. He worked his jaws quickly through the hide, not worrying about perfection. He intended to make hide glue after all.

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1. What Is The Glue That Binds Us? Vericona Plains 05:56 PM, 03-05-2024 04:21 PM, 04-15-2024