



03-06-2024, 05:46 AM
The dark furred boy’s back legs kicked at and dug into the wood, scraping against it as he tried his best to haul himself up. Alas, Sulfur didn’t have the strength that he had hoped to get up there, and, after a moment of trying and failing to get up he let himself drop back down to the floor. So that piece was too big to climb, but he wasn’t going to give up. He was looking for another way up when he heard noise behind him. Sul turned to find a tall girl before him, the chuffing noise having caught his attention to the colorful girl. She reminded him of the ocean water a little, or even the night sky… The combination of colors wasn’t the same as those two elements but to the pup they were close enough. Plus Sulfur thought it was neat she had those colors in his fur. His family had vivid colors too, but they were warmer colors! He liked the cool colors a lot.

There is a bit of a rasp to her voice, an edge and quieter than Sulfur is used to making out when he could hear. He doesn’t understand that this is the result of her having a hoarse voice, but it has made it harder for him to pick up what she was asking him. Her body language and facial expression was similar to ones his big sister would make when she caught him doing something on his own though. Was she asking the same thing Rivin would? If he needed help? Sulfur’s brow furrows a little and he looks back up at the wood. Did he need help? Was it worth climbing the pile? Maybe she knew what sort of view it would have? His tail gives a thoughtful swish, seconds ticking by in silence as the boy’s brain churns.

Then, finally moving, he sets a paw on the log he had been trying to climb and looks back at the colorful girl. His head tilts first to one side and then the other before he motions with his muzzle toward the top of the pile. Sulfur just hoped she would understand what he wanted by the gesture.

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