
-- shock wave whispers



3 Years
09-24-2013, 11:08 AM

Few of Seracia seemed to be awake right then. It was late enough that it now qualified as early morning; the birds had not yet awakened, but they were beginning to stir. On the horizon, a slight touch of light made the sky a soft gray instead of the inky black that dominated the rest of the sky. It was the kind of chilled autumn night/morning that most wolves spent curled up inside their dens, huddled up against mates and pups, basking in the warmth of their fellow wolves.

And of course, Kamala was out on her own, her paws carrying her tirelessly and mechanically across Seracia's territory. She had criss-crossed the same stretch of lands several times before that night, but the insomnia that had claimed her that night wouldn't allow her paws to still. She needed to move until the crisp air burned in her lungs and her legs ached. Mostly, Kamala just needed her brain to slow down until she could slide into a slumber. It was rare for her to end up staying up this late, but every once in a while, Kamala found herself awake as the birds began to chirp and the sun began to rise.

It had been a while since she'd been this awake this late at night. Ever since she had talked to her brother, she had been feeling better, but tonight her brain simply didn't seem interested in acknowledging the fact that her world wasn't falling apart, and her mind was whirling at a million miles an hour, thoughts of her father and brother and niece and nephews chasing themselves through her mind. She missed her mother right then more than anything, but missing her mother wouldn't bring the woman that Kamala remembered back, and the wolf that her father had killed was far from her mother.

A gusty sigh escaped the female as she tilted her head back to gaze at the inky sky. There was no chance she was getting any sleep any time soon.
