
Words playing me deja vu Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before

Tarnish, Modesty, Gilgamesh



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-06-2024, 11:34 PM

Modesty’s answer might not have been what Rivin had hoped to hear, but she appreciated the older woman’s honesty. She gave a nod of her own, expression softening as she spoke again. “It is appreciated to be able to lay that on the table to be considered… even if Gil handles that part, I… I just want you guys to know Jack does care for the Raiders too.” She knew that if his actions were seen that severely it wouldn’t be as simple as apologizing and explaining to gain forgiveness. Hell, both of them might always have an eye on them moving forward, but the two of them both cared for the pack they were in and their comrades. So long as they were given the chance to show that, to prove their loyalty, Rivin was sure they could earn back at least some of that trust.

“Change can be good. I helped with the third territory, and I’m more than ready to help doing whatever we need to claim the next.” While she had been happy to assist in the events that allowed the Raiders to expand, she didn’t expect a big deal to be made of it. They were all doing what they were supposed to do as packmates as far as she was concerned. What they were meant to do. It had come naturally, the desire to do more with the pack. It was thanks to Gilgamesh that she had found comfort in that, that she was working on holding her anger back at all. Had the meeting occurred when she was younger, Rivin wasn’t confident she would have been able to hold her tongue at all. She just had to keep working at it. She was flawed, but hell, who wasn’t in some way?

At the question on what she preferred, Rivin let out a chuckle. “I’ve grown fond of the art of healing, and tending to herbs… but don’t let that stop you if you need an extra raider. I like both pretty strongly, and I’ve no qualms about using my fangs, antlers, and claws for the sake of the Raiders if you or Gilgamesh want. Give the word and I’ll be there without hesitation.” Once she had access to those flowers she had been taking again, she could ensure that Caedes didn’t surprise anyone with her presence.. “Love a good fight just as much as the next Raider, after all.” A bit of a cocky grin there. Nothing wrong with going where you are needed, right?

Modesty would shift her attention to Tar and Rivin let her green gaze slide to him as well. The kid had learned, you could hear that in his voice, and read it in his body language. He would be more cautious about what opponents he took on after this. Rivin let her gaze flick back to Modesty. “If it's alright to ask, would you mind if we stopped the serious talk here? At least for the time being. I’d like  Tarnish to go back to rest and be seen by Sakana when he can... as well as see what I can get busy doing. Wandering paws didn’t suit me…” Unless Modesty had a particular task she wanted Rivin to tend to. She waited, trying to show the respect now that she should have been able to have at the last meeting.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Words playing me deja vu Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before Obsidian Beach 01:50 PM, 02-16-2024 07:51 PM, 03-18-2024