
I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War




Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-10-2024, 08:49 PM
There had already been a knot of dread in his gut as they approached the Raider's borders so it was only reaffirming his suspicions that this wasn't entirely a great idea when the rainbow-marked girl from the previous raid tossed some of their chickens out in front of them. He had no strong affection or attachment to the birds or any of the animals that the pack cared for, but he knew his sister did and that certainly set the tone for the fights ahead. He stood back at the fringes as the fighting kicked off, ears pinned back with unease and uncertainty as a frown creased his features. The more often he was put in these situations the more certain he was that he despised the senseless violence and the fighting that ultimately could have been avoided.

Regardless, he was loyal to a fault to his sister and there was no turning back now that things were this far gone. Many of the wolves on both sides clashed and he was left with his emerald gaze scanning the crowd, trying to make sense of it all. He didn't want to wait for an opponent to find him like last time so when he finally spotted a larger female with antlers through the clusters of fighting he drew a steadying breath and forced himself into the fray. He knew that if he hesitated or second guessed at all he would let himself turn back so instead he charged forward, running right toward his chosen opponent. While she was taller than him by several inches, there wasn't a drastic difference in their height. Still, she seemed to be more heavily built than he was so he decided to lean into that fact and try to keep light on his feet, dodging to the side just as he was about to ram into her shoulder. Instead, he ducked to the right and lunged forward to try and bite at the front of her thigh. He kept his tail tucked out of the way so it couldn't be a target as he moved past her, keeping his legs bent slightly as he went to stay nimble.


Dorian vs Rivin for Dominance (Raid)
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Stoat - Male, Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Healer

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1. I Can't Stop, The Dogs Of War Obsidian Beach 03:01 PM, 03-01-2024 12:55 PM, 03-24-2024