
I Gotta recognize the weapon in my mind

For Aresenn


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

03-10-2024, 08:58 PM

Elysia almost laughed when Aresenn called her initiative commendable. Because it wasn’t really. She was a saxe, and her name alone gave her some status but not much. She had to make herself useful to prove she was more than just a girl carrying the same last name as Sephrian. She had to prove she could help him build his empire. ”Barely. I can’t succeed on my name alone. This is just a way to prove to my cousin I’m worth keeping around, keeping me alive. Nothing more” she shrugged. She was raised for this. It wasn’t a shock to her that she’d have to prove herself, it’s all she’d ever done since the day her mother birthed her into this world, into this family.

She sat down listening to him attentively. Even if all he could teach her was the basics, I was a start. And she needed to perfect the basics before she could even begin to work on anything else. This was the step in the correct direction.

She nodded her agreement. First lesson would be theory. Something she was quite used to in Aresenn’s lessons. And she respected him for it. He wasn’t a sink or swim kind of teacher, not like her mother. He wanted those he taught to succeed. It was strange to think about how it could be that way. When all she’d ever known was her mothers way.

“How would one go about finding such materials? And identifying them? Because where I was raised this wasn’t something we were taught to do” she asks genuinely. She didn’t feel ashamed to admit such things to him. She didn’t feel like he’d judge her for her lack of experience on the subject.

As the subject shifted to armor she drank in everything he said and when he paused she spoke up again. “And how would one get their hands on some leather? Is it something I’d have to find or could I harvest it like with the pelts Absinth taught me to harvest?” She tilted her head.

“Would you be willing to come with me occasionally in search of these materials so that you can further teach me?” She asked.

"Ely & Ezekiel"

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1. I Gotta recognize the weapon in my mind The Polar Sound 02:22 PM, 12-31-2023 06:06 AM, 03-23-2024