
It's a Seeker's Game



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

03-10-2024, 11:44 PM

The corners of her lips twitched upwards, barely visible but there nonetheless. His words were like a balm, soothing yet simultaneously stinging. She found her gaze straying to his, eyes locked in a tumultuous dance as they sought answers in one another. A confession - it was a rare sight from the hardened warrior. "Then what do you believe you deserve, Caedes?" she asked, voice soft yet piercing. The room seemed to shrink, the two of them caught in their own world as silence fell around them. It was an odd sensation - dangerously intimate for two people so dedicated to maintaining their own defenses.

A small smile played on her lips at his words, her heart pounding furiously in her chest as she took them in. The honesty in his voice, the sincerity of his promise - it was both terrifying and exhilarating. She could not remember when someone had last been so earnest with her, had agreed to lay out their intentions so clearly for her to see. Her gaze locked onto his and she felt something shift between them. Something deep and raw and unexpected. “Thank you.” Her voice hushed in the space between them. His promise earned her trust. It was fragile, but it was there, and it would continue to grow as long as he kept his word.

She felt the ground shift beneath her as he spoke, his words shaking her to the core. She saw the glint in his eyes, the desperate passion that had him clinging to her every word, devouring them as if they were a lifeline. His honesty- what she had specifically requested of him- was raw and untamed, matching the wild look in his eyes. He desired the tempest she was- craved it with an intensity that frightened and thrilled her in equal measure. She did not know what to make of it, this irrepressible beast that had laid himself bare before her, offering himself up with an earnestness that was as intoxicating as it was terrifying. Pausing, Mariah studied him for a long moment, her eyes softening as she considered his words. Her hands reached up to frame his face, her fingers gently tracing his scars. "You are a mystery, Caedes," she murmured softly, her voice barely louder than the whispering wind that danced around them. His strength, his ferocity – it was unlike anything she had ever seen before. And yet, it was not just these traits that drew her to him; it was also the sincerity that echoed in his voice, the vulnerability that lay hidden beneath layers of hardened steel. She was drawn to all of him. And the longer they spent together- just talking- the more she began to accept the idea that she was sure she could go on without him.


Ah yes, but it wasn’t that easy. As he insisted that loyalty was all that he knew, she offered him a nod in response. Loyalty was a fantastic start, but there needed to be some level of understanding as well. Clearing her throat, she glanced away for a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. “From the time that we are young, we are told that we are possessed by ancient spirits. Yes. But also that there is another ancient spirit of our family born out in the world. And it is our individual task to find that outlying ancient spirit and return with them back to Elysium … think of it as a soulmate and a pilgrimage to find them.” She paused, taking a moment to chance a glance in his direction. Again, she wasn’t entirely sure she bought into it. But this feeling that she had for Caedes was the most convincing thing to her own culture that she had encountered so far. “A soulmated pair is predetermined, and selected by the ancients with the mindset of providing the next generation the strongest connection to our ancestors as we can provide … that being said. While exceptions have been made for relationships outside a soulmated pair, there is no room for illegitimacy. Any accidental litters are culled upon birth” This particular conversation made her feel more strange than she could have anticipated. It no longer felt as if she were just merely teaching him about some of her family’s most important customs, as it was laying down parameters of how a relationship would work with her if he chose to pursue it. But when it came to culling pups … well, that wasn’t something that she wanted to be a surprise if he were to witness it.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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