
Trouble Came Knocking At My Door

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"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-11-2024, 06:26 PM

The tall, imposing, yet handsome, koi-marked man confirms that he is the wolf she seeks and Haydée is quick to give the facts of the situation while trying to put an optimistic spin on the events. As he voices his appreciation, the young Leader dips her head in reverence as she ponders if there is any wolf in the world that would really have turned away such a horribly injured wolf that had been left within their own borders. Lifting her head once more, she moves her gaze to meet his pale eyes as the sigh leaves his lips. There is sympathy on her features because the girl knows that is not easy news to come knocking at the man’s door.

While Haydée did not expect anything from Hanzō, the information that he freely offers is met a look of alarm. Quickly, the young Leader says, “If you need any help keeping your borders safe, I can offer myself and some of my fighters.” There is a fierceness that hides deep within the youth and, in the face of innocents being hurt, it raises up to harden her features with a seriousness not often found in her. However, at the man’s next words, her resolve falters and falls as sorrow swells with her chest at the thought that Ethne has been doing the best they can for Celeste but, in the end it might not be enough.

Sympathy edges into her eyes as she shakes her head, doubt screaming out to Hanzō as Haydée gently but hesitantly admits, “It was… bad. Our healers are doing everything they can for Celeste but she lapsed into a coma shortly after the attack. The wounds are slow to heal but we are still hopeful that she will recover.” Truthfully, the word death has been tossed around by Bay, Lucette, and Dorain but she still is stubbornly refusing to believe that the woman, Celeste, will not walk away from Ethne. Part of her feels like it is her own damn fault for not finding the injured woman sooner but the girl knows that those thoughts are not helping anyone.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.