
would you believe me if i said google says they smell ethereal?

large prey hunt for land!



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
03-12-2024, 04:08 PM

Calmly, Malico joins the group, simply dipping his head in way of greeting when the pink male arches a brow at him, not wishing to distract him from the task at hand. Eyes roam over the gathered group and he allows his gaze linger on the large tigress a moment longer than the others as he suddenly remembers a huge cave lioness that had once saved his life. The pale pink man’s voice pulls the young man from his private musings and he gives his full attention to the leader of this ragtag group.

Roles are assigned and Malico dips his head in a quiet show of acknowledgement as his ears try to catch all the words that are given. It wouldn’t do to miss any of the important imforamtion simply because of his deafness so he focuses on the stranger’s lips to make certain that he catches it all. Then, the trio are off and the purple male hesitates a moment, casting his gaze back to the shadowy tigress to offer her a small smirk and wink as he hopes that, wherever Taiga is, she is doing well.

With that, the trio carefully slink around the herd, keeping low while quietly weaving their way along the tree line in a single-file line. Malico brings up the rear, eyes trained on the pale white yearling in front of him so that, if something happens, he can read their body language and adjust accordingly. Yes, he may have hearing loss but the purple man has learned a few tricks over the years. They arrive at the lakeside and he hunkers down, coiling his muscles for the chase that is ahead of him.

Suddenly, the pink man breaks cover and the pale female and Malico are fast behind him, adding their own barks to the mix in the hopes of confusing and frightening the gathered group of oxen. The beasts stampede, their hooves pounding the earth as they desperately attempt to evade the snapping jaws of the wolves and he works with the other male to push them away from the water’s edge and force them to run away from where the young ox they have chosen as their meal is.

A bleated alarm pulls Mal’s attention to where the pale woman is and he spies the oxen that isn’t listening to her and the young man quickly slips past the thick, furry bodies to where she is. Snapping at the oxen’s face, he forces the creature to turn in the direction that the tigress waits. Darting a glance to the yearling, Mal silently signals his readiness to push the reluctant beast toward the waiting jaws of death.

"Malico Mendacium"

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1. would you believe me if i said google says they smell ethereal? Waterfall Peak 07:51 AM, 02-05-2024 09:05 PM, 05-27-2024