
Too much


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-12-2024, 04:22 PM
Relating to others was not at all her strong suit, and non-Armada wolves somehow seemed even more foreign to her. Many of her siblings were more like her than not; they tended to be a little more serious and studious than some wolves could be. For a moment she wondered what sort of wolf this stranger was, but she supposed spending a few minutes with him might tell her that. At least hopefully. Already she was struggling to figure out what exactly he meant, and what exactly he might want.

That he might've just come across her and wanted someone to hunt with seemed too simple a conclusion to draw. Tethys wouldn't settle on that until she was sure.

"I'm not so sure about that," Tethys answered after a beat. The implication still lost on her, she was glad when they moved on to things she could understand, like hunting. She gave a slow nod in response. "Not sure I've had them before." She had no qualms about eating something less than ideal though. Such was how life in the north often went, especially during seasons when prey was more scarce.

Hunting alongside someone else was always rewarding though, even if he wasn't quite so thrilled about the target of their hunt. "That sounds like a good plan. Let's do it." A nod to signal that she was ready was given before she set off, moving over the frozen ground toward the birds. It wasn't like it'd be a terribly difficult hunt, but it'd still take some effort.

Focusing now, she picked up the pace when they got closer, making a wide arc around the group of grouse. At the right moment - or at least what she hoped would be the right moment - she moved to strike, kicking off hard toward the prey animals. Immediately they began to scatter, but with a heave forward she managed to snatch one of the birds between her jaws, aiming for its neck and giving a good hard shake as she did so.

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1. Too much Submerged Woods 07:51 PM, 02-15-2024 01:27 PM, 06-24-2024
2. Too much IC Archives 01:27 PM, 06-24-2024 12:02 PM, 06-22-2024
3. Too much Submerged Woods 12:02 PM, 06-22-2024 05:12 AM, 05-01-2024