
Let the Good Times Roll



09-24-2013, 02:18 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 02:27 PM by Chrysanthe.)

Valhalla's reaction to war surprised the woman. She had been afraid to drop such heavy news onto her members, but they rallied opposed to shrinking away from the challenge. Of course, she would take whatever steps that she could to making sure that they were ready for this - training warriors and hunters, filling in the ranks, anything to prepare her pack for a war that she felt somewhat responsible for. The alpha was proud of them, for accepting their training, accepting the future and not falling into a rut much like she had. Although Gideon not being beside her threw her off immensely, they were enough to get her to open her eyes - they would get him back, and she wasn't doing it alone.

Once the meeting cleared out she would turn toward Azalea, and she managed a smile at the girl waiting diligently at the edge of the field. She looked more somber than Chrysanthe was used to seeing on the lively yearling's face, and it didn't take long to realize why. The young woman looked at her a moment, managing her name before finally she said what was on her mind. Chrysanthe could only imagine how those solemn words were the tip of the iceberg. Azalea had been one of the few that was there when she and Gideon both lost their battles. It was hard - and her heir had witnessed that first hand.

"Yes, we will." She nodded, but nearly faltered at the fire Azalea's eyes. In her words and figure, she was a true Adravendi, and a damn good choice to be Valhalla's heir. "Valhalla doesn't back down, much like it's leaders." The woman would subtly motion toward Azalea herself. "Azalea - I wanted to speak to you, I've needed to for a while." They didn't talk enough - it seemed that the yearling was both busy and finding herself in her travels most of the time. Although her aunt wasn't sure exactly where she went, she knew that the girl had a taste for exploring. "You have to know how much I trust you. You may feel like the title is big now - but I believe there's more to you than your title." Even now, despite the honor that went with it, Azalea was Azalea first and that was that. "You were willing to fight against Glaciem without knowledge of them, on nothing but my orders - and that's something that not even Cormalin was willing to do."

"I know I didn't let you fight on the battlefield, and maybe I should have - but I didn't do it because I don't trust you, I just didn't want to see you hurt." She felt a small swell of embarrassment at the statement - heart to hearts were not something that the headstrong female was used to. But for her family, she would make an exception. "And I can't do that anymore, I know that - it's just with you being family I want to keep you safe." Really, it was the struggle.