
Through hell to heaven

Valor & Artorias


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
03-13-2024, 03:24 PM

It took a while to get Valor to a point where he was stable. The wound she had found him with had been dire–to say the least–and it was truly pure luck that she had found him when she did. Artorias had come in at some point while she was still cleaning up the man's wounds, answering her howl that she had made on her way into the castle with Valor, but after a brief explanation of how she had found him she had sent her brother away so that she could focus on her work, promising that she would fetch him once Valor was in any better state to speak. Even though the man had managed to speak with her a bit while she worked–mostly to make flattering comments that made her face flush–she didn't want him to strain himself until she was sure he was out of the worst of it. After careful cleaning and some stitches to hold the wounds closed while they healed, she sat back with a sigh to make sure nothing was missed. A few bandages and a move to one of the cots later, she gave Valor some pain medication and a little something to help him sleep and then went to a near by cot to get some rest herself.

The next morning as the sunlight streamed through the many windows along the outside wall of the infirmary, Gwyn blinked her eyes open with a yawn, groaning softly as she stretched her legs and slowly slipped off of the cot she had been sleeping on. After she shook out her fur and finished orienting herself she turned to Valor who she was glad to see was still resting peacefully. She had no doubt that the medications she had given him would start wearing off soon enough though and she wanted to take another look with fresh eyes at his wounds before then. Walking over to his side, she lifted a paw to his shoulder to gently shake him awake, giving him a small smile once his gaze found hers. "Good morning," she said as she went to carefully pull away the bandages that were covering the largest of his wounds. "How are you feeling?"

"Gwynevere Carpathius"

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1. Through hell to heaven Amron's Castle 03:24 PM, 03-13-2024 08:23 AM, 04-19-2024