
easy does it



Master Fighter (245)

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4 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-13-2024, 03:55 PM

Avacyn couldn't help the slight smirk that tugged at her lips at his dry humor as he declared himself an unusual guy. There was no denying that. She let him explain himself, the man–who eventually introduced himself as Ronan–making it obvious that he was very new to this part of the world. He did confirm that thought outright, but she would have been able to guess that even if he hadn't with the fact that he hadn't even known the name of the continent he was on. Even though she enjoyed the solitude and the defensibility of their island, more and more it seemed to be bringing curious explorers to her doorstep. Choosing any particular area to call home had to have its own set of pros and cons, but this felt like an issue that was very particular and unique to their situation. It did make her wonder if Chimera had the same issue when he was leading Fenmyre from the island in Auster. Perhaps she would have to ask him next time she came across the black and white man.

"The continent you're on is called Boreas," she informed him once he finished explaining himself and after deciding that he hadn't meant any harm in being here. While she couldn't know all of his intentions from such a short interaction, she had grown pretty adept at reading other's body language and mannerisms and nothing he had done so far felt suspicious. Besides, if he did try anything he was just one wolf on the home turf of a whole pack. She wasn't that concerned. "If you travel to the southern tip of Boreas you'll find another larger, longer land bridge that will take you to another continent called Auster." She figured she might as well help him out and give him a bit more context for where he was. She glanced behind her at the island he had been examining from afar and then looked back to him curiously. "Would you like to come in to take a closer look at the island? The terrain is quite varied the further in you go and you can't really get a good feel of it from here."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. easy does it Alias Island 10:48 AM, 02-27-2024 06:36 AM, 06-24-2024